Monday, November 07, 2005
The weekend is over... Where did it go.. Jason came home.. I hardly saw him..he went to see his honey and other friends... I miss him racing!! .... I buried myself on this stupid computer and did dummy math and Microsoft Computer Applications..Why do I always put everything off until the last minute........ Gee.. You would think I would learn.. How old am I now...(don't you DARE say!!)
I talked to Kali some today... we usually try to talk almost every day or at least every couple of days. we have such grown up conversations... She always starts it with "What are you doing?" and every time we run out of something to talk about she says it again.."So what are you doing Mammy?". she is excited that Jason might get his own place.... because when Hank had his at Norman.. I would go there pick her up and we would spend the night at Hank's.. she is already planning on what toys she wants at Jason's God I love her sooo much.. I can't wait for Braden to get bigger.. Actually shhhhhh ( I would enjoy all my boys having little ones as long as I got to baby sit!) but that can wait a while.. Priorities first OK??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(School and jobs.... money don't ya just hate it..!!)
Hank sounds so good lately.. I think he has finally gotten into a youth group like I have always wanted him to be a part of.. All my life I have said I wanted my boys to belong to a youth group like I had growing up at dear old Lake Creek Baptist church.. It was awesome.... I"m so happy for him!!!
Brad and Henry are planning on fishing next weekend...they have a tournament at Eufaula...( That is what they do best..-- fish and fish together...) It's their "he breaths in soo the other he can breath out thing"... They are soo much alike... Plus they are both great dads.!!!! They must have watched my dad raise me huh???
My dad was a lot of things...... but he was an awesome daddy... He had a way of making each of us feel so special like we were his favorite above anyone.and there were six of us.... Today my sister and I went out to the cemetery to put out his winter flowers... she had big tears in her eyes talking about her daughter moving to Hawaii.... then she said.. I miss Daddy soooo much..some days I feel I can't breath without him... how can I be with out Heather..??? It's hard to be a parent........... almost as hard as being the child..!! I was so lucky to have two wonderful ones.... I am amased at my mom every day... There is nobody on the face of this earth like her... She and Daddy did without a lot to give to us but they had hearts bigger than North America!!!! If I could be one tenth the parent they were I would be soo happy!!! Being a parent is a big responsibility... God trusts us with it... Please don't let me flunk!!!
My hours started over for the year at work... So I get to see all the foster kids this month.. I am organizing the Angel Tree and will be responsible for getting their Christmas gifts..(if anyone wants to sponsor a child this Christmas or even just buy one gift... Let me know..) I will be making sure every one has something. I love this part of my job.. I love seeing the kids.... but sometimes it tears my heart out.............. Someone flunked .... or they wouldn't be in the system................... God help me to make a difference in at least one of their lives this month........... let them see the light at the end of the tunnel.... let them hope for and look to a brighter future!!!!!
God Bless the Little Children of the World!!! (isn't there a song like that..??)
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Well Crystal is home from her last inpatient chemo treatment. I haven't seen her but I have talked to Vick.. she is doing good but tried... she went to school on Friday and one of her friends came to spend the night with her... I think that is good for her. She feels so alone at times..but maybe things are going to get better now.. I hope and Pray when she redoes the test the cancer is totally all gone!!!!
Cathy got Debbie at the hospital in Iowa and is on her way to Texas with her... Cathy has her hands full.. I hope she gets help for Debbie in Texas... Debbie is a very special person but she just has a sickness called bipolar and she can't help that..............
Today is Saturday.. anyone want to come over and help me clean?? Come on.. we can do like I used to do my boys.. Let's draw straws to see who does what and who cleans which rooms.. they would always start to grip when they saw me getting 3 toothpicks and making them different sizes so they had to "draw a straw"... This meant the fight was on.... NObody ever liked the job they got or the room they got.. regardless which one it was...
Jason is home for the weekend...He went out last night.. I"m not sure what time he got home... or where he went or what he did...but I don't worry about Jason.. Should I?? LOL.... He is thinking hard about what to do next semester.. I think he has about decided to stay at OU if he can move off campus... He went apartment hunting yesterday... Man oh man......... I"M not ready for this.. MY BABY have a place of his own.!!!!!!!!! Where did my little blonde cotton top go.. the one that used to suck his thumb and hang on to me until I couldn't get a thing done when I would get home from work... he would even hang on my leg when I cooked... but I have to be honest.. he was really sick alot when he was little and I babied him... I miss my baby... but I'm proud of my young MAN!! **HUGS** I can't wait until he graduates college gets a job and gets married... I am ready to have another granddaughter but I don't think everyone knows if he has a little girl she has to be named JACEY.... that has been my nickname for Jason most of his life.. so get ready any girls reading this and get used to the idea... if you marry my son.. your daughter's name has to be Jacey!!! LOL...
I'm not sure if Hank will ever get married... but I honestly think the best thing that could happen to Hank is for him to get a girl in his life.. someone to share his deep thoughts and dreams with.. he seems so restless at times.. and troubled from within.. a good Christian lady might be just what the Lord ordered.!!!
I haven't talked to Kali hardly at all this week.. I have been so busy.. I talked to Brad a bit yesterday.. Kaci's shoulder is some better.. she is busy trying to close on a couple of houses .. so we haven't really stayed in touch... Braden isn't interested in walking yet.. but then he doesn't have to rush.... I miss my babies.. maybe if I had more I wouldn't miss them so much..YEAH RIGHT>>> it's me we are talking about.. I have 3 boys and I miss everyone one of them.. if I had more grandchildren I would just have more to miss... My daddy used to say all the time.. Babe I wish I had a hundred like you.. I thought he was just teasing.. THE Man was serious.. I KNOW THAT NOW!!!
Have a good weekend!!!