Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to ME!!!
Wow.. I"M 50 Years old today!!! Does that mean I"m on the down hill side of life... NOPE... My daddy used to say when you turn 50 life begins again...
My Happy Thought for today is..
When I worked at the bank I turned 35.. I thought it was the end of the world, I cried all day. I dressed in a black shirt and pink rockies to go to work.. They made me a black cake with pink roses on it.. They bought my lunch, at lunch I was so upset I could hardly eat.. A man I worked with was about 60 or so.. He said down beside me and said " What are you so upset about.. I mean look at it.. YOU have two choices: You can either turn 35 or push up daisies... I don't know about you but I"m in no hurry to push up daisies" It was about three or so weeks later right before Christmas I think he died of a heart attack.!! I never looked at birthdays quite the same... Now I look at them like I"m not getting older.. I"m just getting better and wiser...
Happy Thought... At least I am here to celebrate my 50th birthday. I have my family and they all love me.. I"m a lucky woman today!!!
I used to sit with a little precious lady that had Alzheimer.. One of her favorite sayings was... "Don't ya wish you had one"!! Well see.. "Don't ya wish today was your Birthday!"
Enjoy your day... whatever your doing!!
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