Thursday, November 03, 2005


OK.. what happened to a week full of Happy Hearts and Pleasant Thoughts!! Some one stole it from me..!! HURRY BRING IT BACK!!!!

Where do I start.. or should I share what is going through my head.?. Hank says he doesn't read my sight because it is always so depressing... Wow... have you read his?? It's always so deep....!!! Could it be we are alike in some ways?? Imagine that?? He gets us to thinking huh?? Good for you child!!!!!!

I told you before I have never had a daughter until Brad married Kaci.. I love her with all my heart...but still she has a mom I don't want to take her place so even though we are close and share somethings it's not the same as her being my daughter. That comes with sharing things all along I think. I do have 3 nieces that I'm very close to... All three are going through their own kind of hell right now... My heart is very heavy this week for all of them... Pray that God doesn't give them more than they can handle...Each problem is very different.. Each one handles things differently but yet in their own world each is going through sooooo much right now..

One is about to move to Hawaii... her mom isn't so healthy and she worries about moving off and leaving her. Her hubby isn't the father of her oldest child. She was married before and had this little girl... So Laken's dad has decided he doesn't want his daughter in Hawaii even though she has never lived with him except her weekends and summer vacations. He is going to court to try to get custody of Laken.. This is causing problems for my niece.. She feels so torn from the man she loves who has no choice because of the military.. His orders say Hawaii and Hawaii it will be. (hawaii should be a happy place we long to go to -- not a burden) But how can a mother go off and leave her family (her mom and possibly her daughter).. The Bible says forsaking all others cleave thee only to him...!! They argue about this some..... He has no choice... she is hurting inside because of her choices ...... Prayer is all that can help!!!

Another niece and I go from talking all the time... To years without a word.. it's weird I know but then her situation is really weird. Her mom is my husband's sister... The mom is bipolar.she is a very special lady also but this illness grips her at times and won't let go.. I feel my niece has inherited some of this behavior. Her mom has been living with her because she had no other place to go.. She can't keep a job because of here illness (yes bipolar is an illness, a very sad one) But this week her mom had a really bad spell... She hit bottom, they had to take her to a mental hospital. This killed Christy.. she is the one that had to sign her mom in... She called me crying and very upset....She had no choice.. (here is that word again choices) yet she feels she just disowned her own mother.... I tried to encourage her. Tell her if her mom isn't on medication she has to have help... It's odd.. Christy and I haven't talked in about 6 months because of her mom and yet when the going got rough who did she call... Me.. her second Mom..(Christy and her sister lived with me for 17 months when they were little because of her mom's illness) . I was glad to hear from her..... I miss her and I know this is hard for her... They go to a mental health hearing on Friday morning at 8 AM.. Pray for Christy and her mom and everyone involved.. Her mom my never in her present state of mind forgive her daughter to doing this.... But what else could she have done???????????? Pray.!!!!!!

The other niece I'm so close to you hear me talk about all the time... All the other problems seem so petty compared to what Crystal is going through... She went for her last round of chemo until they do more testing at least... I talked to Vickie last night.. They are in the room with a little girl Emily. Emily is from the same town we live in. Emily has been crying the whole time they have been there.. she too has cancer... her outlook is not so good.... Without a miracle Emily might not make it... This has Crissy soo upset... for many reasons... She can't rest for the little 4 yr old crying.. This has her thinking non stop... will hers not respond as Emily's hasn't... Crystal lays there wondering about so many things and yet others in life worry about what to wear tomorrow or where they will live... Who is talking to whom and who is mad at who....Petty things compared to cancer and facing life and death..... Crystal is strong.. right now everything looks good... She is responding to treatment... The tumor is shrinking... yet the questions are still there... The Choices(that word again) she makes will affect her life forever... not just tomorrow...

I had a friend tell me once.. will it matter tomorrow.. will it matter next week.. will it matter in five years..... will they talk about it after your dead and gone.. if so it matters if not.... Give it to God let him worry about it..!!!!!! OMG........... can we do that with all our troubles .... Don't we all wish it was that easy......

Pray for my nieces... each is special to me.. each is going through so much and there is nothing I can do to help any of them but Pray!!

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