Well it took me about 3 days.. and tons of phone calls and emails..but I'm back with my Yahoo email and messenger.... I'm not sure who stole it.. I'm not sure they won't do it again....here is what happened. When I logged on my yahoo messenger on Thursday I had a message from a friend that said.. I updated my web page go here and take a look.. it had a link on it.. I went there.. it was a porn advertisement...I logged out and couldn't use my account after that until about 2 am this morning when I finally got an email from yahoo with a new password... The strange thing is.. I logged on my other yahoo messengers... both of them had a message from me on Friday that said the exact same thing as my friends had when he sent it to me.. I never sent myself a message... I have talked to several other people.. all my kids got a message from me on Yahoo also... and I know 4 of my friends have.. The only way I was able to get my account back was they looked back over the years and I knew the answers to my test question.. I could name 5 previous passwords.. I could name at least 5 email address in my address book.. I knew the last few emails i had recieved...I knew the birthday and zip code that were used to set up the account... Who ever it was had gone in and changed all my info in my account.. the birthday was wrong..the zip code as wrong.. it had my address as argentina or something like that... my name was changed to fuck you.. it was the weirdest thing I have ever seen.... but I hope it's all change back now and working ok...So beware~~~!!
The races Saturday night were great.. Until they decided to do as they always do... take out the winner reguardless of who it hurts.... The took Jason out on purpose.. I am so sick of this... I'm GLAD it was the last race of the season!!!! I'm not sure I want him to even race next year.... The owner has his favorites and the good clean young driver.. who minds his own business... drives clean and wins anyway is not one of his favorites.. it doesn't get the crowd going!!!! The idiot!! I wish I had the money to build our own track and put him out of business!!!! I can name at least 20 or more drives that have stopped driving because of him!! and his rules that change depending on who you are..!!!
We went to baby sit my grandchildren on Sunday... Man oh MAN I love those kids!!! It made my week.. Then we stopped by the casino on our way home.. I came home 210 bucks ahead.. not bad....!!
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