Thursday, October 06, 2005

Pray for Crystal today!!

Pray for Crystal today!!

My 13 yr old niece is at OKC Children's Hospital today. She is doing the battery of test to see how much her Cancer has changed. She has Hodgkin's Lymphoma. They just found it in August. It was the size of two large fists starting in her neck, going down to the lymphon nodes under her left arm, and resting across her heart. Surgery because of where it is.. Is NOT an option. In addition to the mass she also has Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. That is how they found the mass. They were looking to see what was causing her to within two week (after she first started to have problem) she was acting like she had sever MS. This was a normal teenager ready to go to Falls Creek the last week of July and by the Last week in August she can't hold her balance, can't walk across the floor alone, you can barely understand what she is saying, she has trouble holding her head up straight and everything in blurred to her. But she got the RMSF because GOD wanted them to find them to find the mass.

I don't work until 2 today.. I have to transport foster children.. They have a visit with their mom...They turn into wild animals when they see her. They are pretty good kids when they are with the dad.. and they are very well behaved sweethearts when they are with the foster parents. They are just two and five. The plan is to let them go home with Dad soon. I wonder... I had my nieces when they were small for 18 months while their mom and dad "worked on their Marriage" (it didnt' work by the way.. ) but the girls went back home.. Mom and Dad had a rocky, unstable marriage, their home life reflected it and the girls turned out to be mothers at 15, used drugs, and have horrible lives, even worse than their parents. I wonder sometimes since I started this job.. Is it better to leave some children in the system for them to be foster children and have a chance of changing rather than putting them back into the same enviroment and letting them see the same things???

It turned cold here yesterday... here I put on capris and sandals and before I got home it was 65 degrees, raining like crazy and the wind was horrible... Good OLD OKLAHOMA!!!!! LOL

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